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Healing takes place the moment you begin to believe!


“Healing takes place the moment I believe ( Hebrew 11:1) I am Now praying for the protection of our Children we are Live on our YOUTUBE channel . Click on the Link directly below to watch now This week message is Jesus prayer of protection over his children —Jesus, Matthew 25:40 (NIV) Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Memory verses Please read full chapter. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Heavenly Father, purify my children’s hearts and minds, so their actions never come from pride, anger, or bitterness. Help them bring to the cross their desire to do things out of selfish ambitions. I pray that they would desire to imitate you, Lord. Regardless of how much we own, Jesus teaches us to be poor — or humble — in spirit. World Vision’s work is motivated by our shared desire for others to know God’s grace and experience the fullness of life He offers. Whether it’s giving children’s faith a solid foundation or supporting parents and churches, we do it out of thankfulness for Christ’s saving love and a desire to reflect His light to the world. If you Like good Gospel Music, and select inspirational messages . Thank you everyone for Sharing this GOSPEL of JESUS Chirst). Thanks again for all your support, and most of your prayers. Can you please Listen to our Love broadcast Gospel Music”

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